Monday, December 20, 2010

The 2010 Round-Up: Piggy's Favorite Things! Part Two: Animation

With only two weeks left in this year, it's time to continue my pointless highlight of all the stuff I've enjoyed from this year in what I call "The 2010 Round-Up". Part Two, as the title should give away, is animation. Cartoons, Anime, Movies, whatever. If I enjoyed it, it's here. So let's get started with my first pick.

Dragon Ball Z Kai
This year, FUNImation revealed that it wasn't done beating the dead horse that is Dragon Ball Z, when they revealed that they had attained the rights to Toei's cliffnotes version of the series, Dragon Ball Kai. At first, I was ready to just watch the first few episodes of this series and be on my way with ignoring it, because the Japanese version was just that unimpressive. What I wasn't ready for was Dragon Ball Z dubbed with a good script and the best English vocal performances the series has ever seen. From Sean Schemmel's Goku to the Colleen Clinkenbeard's Gohan the cast has either grown enough that they're vocal performances are leaps and bonds from where they were before, or they've been replaced where they needed to be. There's also the impressive new Narrate to boot. It's a large enough difference that I feel like I'm experiencing this series for the first time again. This is the first time in the history of the series that I can say I prefer the FUNImation product more that the original Toei one. Great job, guys.

Adventure Time with Finn and Jake
Cartoon Network's line-up has been getting increasingly better over the last few years and out of all the great things that they've been airing as of late, Adventure Time is the one series that I enjoy the most. Adventure Time is the story of a boy named Finn and his dog buddy Jake as they go on outrageously fun adventures through the magical land of Ooo. It's also the most fun I've had watching a cartoon this year. There's a colorful cast of characters, from Marceline the Vampire Queen, to Tree Trunks the elephant, to even the crazy Ice King (who's voiced by that guy who voiced Spongebob) there's always some colorful character to cause Finn and Jake problems.

Batman: the Brave and the Bold
Okay, so this series isn't anything new, but I'll be damned if this isn't the best Batman cartoon out there. With each and ever new episode, this series highlights some of the coolest characters in the DCU while at the same time proving that you can do a campy lighthearted Batman while staying true to the character. This current season has had appearances from Barry Allen, Starro the conquerer, the JLI, and Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters. That last one in particular had a hilarious scene where Uncle Sam turns Batman into what is essentially Captain America.

Transformers Prime
The Hub is quickly becoming one of my favorite channels on TV. From Doogie Howser, Batman, and The Wonder Years, to classic Transformers and G.I. Joe, the channel airs all manners of awesome programming from yesterday and even today. One of it's newer programs is Transformers Prime, a new CG Transformers series. It's the first new Transformers series I've enjoyed since Beast Wars aired back in the 90's and with the five episodes that have aired, I think we're in for something great. The series has something for just about everyone; Optimus Prime and Megatron are voice by their original Voice Actors, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker, it's got designs close enough to the movies withough making everyone look like piles of scrap metal, and it's even got Bulkhead from TF: Animated. Oh, and Steve Blum does an amazingly competent, but still true to form Starscream. Of course the series isn't perfect; every other Optimus Prime quote feels like it's being taken from the barrel of classic Prime quotes, and the kid sidekicks can get a tad annoying at any time. Still, I'm enjoying it a ton.

Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Scooby Doo is a series I was never really that big on; outside of a Pup Named Scooby Doo and Scooby Doo and the Mystery of Zombie Island and there was never anything from the long history of Scooby cartoons that I found myself enjoying. Then, this past September, that all changed. Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc started airing and suddenly I find myself coming back week in and week out for what this series has in store for me next. This time the series has a heavy emphasis on story, with ongoing plots and strong characterization coming into the series in a way that's never been seen before. And if that wasn't enough, the series is just plain funny. Be it Fred's good willed stupidity, the local Sheriff (voiced by Patrick Warburton) and Mayor trying to coax the gang into ignoring the monster of the week in the name of profit, or any of the other myriad of well written humor, this is Scooby Doo proving me wrong on everything I've ever though about the series.

The Venture Brothers
I'm just going to come out and say it now; The Venture Brothers is the best cartoon on TV today. It's well written, well casted, and just that damn good that I can't think of any other cartoon that could take it's place on the top of cartoon mountain. This past year's batch of episodes in general has been particularly impressive, with characters growing in ways that I wasn't expecting, yet in ways the I love. These are characters who have been through a lot and have actually grown from their experiences. Go watch the first season again, and skip forward to this season's finale; look how far Henchman 21 has come since then alone. It's astounding. And speaking of the season finale, I don't think I've ever found myself as satisfied with a season ending as I have with this one. Sure we're now waiting yet another year or two for more episodes, but after this last batch I think the guys behind this show can take all the time they want making the next season.

The Fantastic Mr. Fox
Okay, this entry is actually me cheating; I didn't get around to seeing any of the animated movies from this year, or else Toy Story 3 or How to Train Your Dragon would be on this list right now. Still, even with those two entries, this movie might've beaten one of them out because it's just so amazing. The Fantastic Mr. Fox is a story about a Fox, voice by George Clooney, goes back on his promise of quitting his life of thievery and how that comes back to nip him on the butt. It's a story filled with love, humor, action, and everything good in between. Oh and did I mention how great the cast of the movie is? Because they're cussin' fantastic. There isn't a voice in this movie that isn't a joy to listen to. Oh and it's a stop motion movie. Of course what amazes me most about this movie is the fact that no one else seemed to go bonkers over this movie. Of all the little communities I've visited and people I've talked to, not one has freaked out and told me that this is the movie I must go see. How is it that a movie can be this good and get such little attention?

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Okay, so I'm closing out this list with an anime entry. Only my second of the list, but it's easily my favorite anime of the year. Panty and Stocking is the newest series from Gainax, the magnificent bastards behind some of the most legendary anime of all time. This time, however, they decided to make a love letter to western culture and it's a doozie. The story revolves around two angels, Panty and Stocking, as they live their lives of going to high school, fighting monsters, and going on whatever crazy adventure they have to get into. Oh, and they fight using their underwear. Panty fights with her panties, which turn into guns and Stocking fights with her stockings, which turn into swords. This show turns up the sexuality and inappropriate humor to 11; Panty is a nympho always looking for the next sexual encounter, while Stocking just eats any sweet she comes across. Of course they're joined by Garterbelt, a priest who gives them their missions, while also lusting over young lads, and Brief, a young nerd from the local highschool, who has a crush over Panty and looks like a ghostbuster. This show is funny, well animated, and a breath of fresh air considering what most anime these days revolve around. It may turn off some with it's crude humor, but for me it's just a blast to watch.

And that's it for part two of this list. Part Three is coming soon, with my favorite movies and TV Shows of this past year. Until then, read some of my older posts. There's some actually good stuff in there.

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