Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brightest Day #5: This may be it for me!

There comes a time where you find yourself getting fed up with a story that's taking too long to do anything and you just can't take anymore. Well, I've gotten to that point with Brightest Day, the latest is DC's year long event books. I think this may be the point where I check out, folks!

The problem with this series isn't that it's necessarily bad; in fact, I prefer a good chunk of the stories in here. But I just can't stand this awful Hawkman/Hawkgirl story line. It's boring, time consuming, and overall just drains out the enthusiasm I have for the rest of this book. I just can't bring myself to care for these characters and I hate this book for trying to make me do so.

Still, the Aquaman and Deadman stories are actually pretty interesting. Outside of the hilariously relevant "Aquaman tries to stop the BP fiasco" moment in this issue, the Aquaman sections of this book really have me interested. The Deadman story is still good, too. Unfortunately they're simply the side dishes on the plate of steaming crap that is the Hawks. They may look delicious, but there's still a steaming pile of crap there to ruin it all.

Overall I find myself reluctant to even give this book one more shot; Martian Manhunter is the subject of the next issue though, so I find myself conflicted on the subject.

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